Cancer Care
Ashwini Homoeopathy Cancer Care Center
Homeopathy offers a natural alternative to chemotherapy, especially in advanced cases like Grade 4 cancers. At Ashwini Homoeopathy, our focus is on improving quality of life — and in over 80% of cases, patients experience noticeable benefits. As a trusted centre for homeopathy for cancer care in Navi Mumbai, our doctors are committed to providing the most effective curative, preventive, and palliative support possible.
What is Cancer?
- It’s a myth that it is a disease. It is just a reaction to the irreparable changes that takes place in cell production in our body.
- Normally in our body 1 cell produces 2 new cells, but when this production is disturbed, where 1 cell produces more than 2 cells in a time, which cannot be controlled we term such a process as Cancer. Uncontrollable and Overproduction of Abnormal cells.
- This abnormal production of cells thus disturb the normal functioning of the body giving rise to multiple complaints.

Switch theory: just for explanation:
- When you enter a room, you have the lights and the fans, but to let it work u have to SWITCH ON the button.
- In a similar way, each and every person in his body harbours the switch of Cancer in her or him.
- Many causes, both mental and physical causes the switch ON in us leading to uncontrollable and overproduction of abnormal cells long ago in our body, before the actual symptoms are noticed.
Causes of cancer:
- Most of the time the cause for initiation of the cancer process is not Known.
- Cancer process starts way long back in the body of the person before the actual signs and symptoms are experienced by the person.
- Yes , but there are causes which surely help cancer to worsen are:
- Alcohol: stomach cancer
- Hereditary: if have strong family history of cancer.
- Drugs: pills to avoid pregnancies, oestrogen therapies. Steroids than decrease your immunity.
Person who are Susceptible to Cancer
- People who openly express their feelings and don’t bottle up emotions are less likely to develop cancer. Interestingly, those with a positive attitude and emotional resilience often respond better to cancer treatment and recover faster — a pattern we’ve observed in many patients receiving homeopathy for cancer care in Navi Mumbai.
- Emotional stress during pregnancy can affect the unborn child. Research shows that suppressed emotions in expecting mothers may be linked to conditions like brain tumors, blood cancers, and even melanomas in their children. This is why holistic emotional care is a core part of our cancer support approach
- Cancer occurs due to uncontrolled cell growth — a classic case of the body producing in excess. Whether it’s inflammation, hormonal imbalance, or emotional stress, anything in excess disrupts balance. That’s why homeopathy focuses on restoring equilibrium in a natural way.
Suppressed Anger, Fear, fright
Suppressed emotions: Silent grief, Prolonged Grief Sudden loss of property, Business Sudden loss of loved ones, in cases it may include loved Pets also. Prolong anxiety Anxiety about future, Insecurities | Anxiety about Disease.
Overambitious person. People who have faced too much of Insults Haughty and Egoistic person: who doesn’t forget and forgive easily Rape, and abused person. Prolonged Hatred |

- Manisha Koirala: famous actress and Model
- Mumtaz: famous actress of 1970
- Lisa Ray: Model and Actress suffering from breast Cancer
- Yuvraj Singh: famous all time left handed Cricketer
- Anurag Basu: famous director of today’s time
Prevention/ Fight/Defeat Cancer:
- Avoidance of these Avoid psychological and physical triggers that may contribute to cancer growth. and physical causes which precipitate cancer growth.
- Start communicating with your loved ones and doctors to express emotions and gain support.
- Work on resolving inner inhibitions that may be holding back emotional release.
- Let go of ego, pride, esteem issues, and hatred to find inner peace and clarity
- Seek help from trained counselors who guide you to understand yourself better
- Embrace a positive attitude towards life — it uplifts your mind and body
- Adopt holistic practices like Yoga and meditation for emotional and physical balance.
- Be kind to yourself instead of being overly strict or self-critical.
- Flow with life instead of resisting it — ease and acceptance go a long way.
- Accept life as it is and focus on changing yourself — that's where true power lie
Homoeopathic Role:
- Homeopathy focuses on “Why” and “What” caused the illness, whether it’s a simple cough or cancer
- A patient’s personality — whether anxious, emotional, or ambitious — plays a key role in selecting the right remedy.
- Medicines are tailored to match the person’s nature, ensuring deeper healing and better control.
- Homeopathy can be safely combined with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, without interference.
- It helps reduce side effects of chemo and radiation, making treatment more tolerable
- Symptoms like nausea, vomiting, numbness, and fatigue improve significantly with homeopathic support.
- It works by boosting immunity, helping the body fight cancer more effectively.
- Starting early improves results, but even late-stage care shows great palliative benefits.
- In advanced stages, homeopathy improves quality of life, even if full cure isn't possible.
- Treatments are affordable, especially compared to the high cost of conventional therapies.
Cancer Care In Homeopathy Can Be Classified In 5 Stages.
- Localized First Stage : In such cases results are excellent and we can expect complete Cure.
- Lymph nodes Involvement Second Stage : With aggressive line of treatment majority patients can be cured.
- Third and Forth Stage: Spread to different systems and organs.
- Fifth or terminal: Wide spread metastasis major organ involvements like Liver, Lungs, Brain, Bone marrow :- palliative care and pain relief.
Cancer Care In Homeopathy Can Be Classified In 5 Stages.
Cancer treatment is totally a different ball game, compared to other diseases, which we treat. We follow law of minimum dose, minimum repetition, and constitutional remedy approach. It works in some cases but in majority of cases we land up in failures. Why So ?
After going through cases in which I have failed and successful, have to come to following conclusion.
- Cancer Can be cured onstitutional remedy, minimum repetition and high potency: works best in first stage of cancer with no or minimum metastasis. Characteristic symptoms are prominent, prescriptive symptoms are present. Miasm predominant Psora or Psoro Syphylitic.
- Constitutional remedy, low potency with repetition, plussing method or LM potency: Patient shows characteristic symptoms, but has taken chemotherapy / undergone surgery . Vitality is becoming weak, thermals have not changed, mental and physical generals still prominent. Miasm predominant Psoro-sycotic or Sycotic.
- Constitutional remedy with use of inter-current antimiasmatic remedy: Strong family history of cancers. Intercurrent remedies which I found to be useful are . • Scirrhinum : – History of Worms • Carcinocin :- Strong Domination history running in families. • Thuja :- History of warts or tumours which appear wart likes. • Tuberculinum/ Bacillinum :- History of Tuberculosis. • Folliculinum :- Breast Cancer which ERCP positive. Patients on tamoxifen or Femera .
- State remedies/Oragano Specific Remedies: Thermals / generalities of persons are changed totally, constitutional remedy will not work, in fact it can cause aggravation and patient may succumb. These cases normally have metastasis, with involment of Liver, lungs, skeletal System. They have undergone Chemotherapy/ Radiotherapy/ Surgery. Relapsed cases . In these cases, we will need remedies which have specific action on that particular organ. For eg Phytolacca, Asteria Rubens , Grafitis, Conium, Kreosotum in breast cancer. If the organospecific remedy matches with general disposition or Psora or is complementary with constitutional remedy, you will get excellent results. LM potency and Plussing works wonderful in such cases.
- Terminal cases: Olfaction or application of oraganospecific remedies can bring them out from stage 5 to 4 . Most patient come to us either in stage 5 or 4 we prescribe constitutional remedies and land up in failures . If we can get patient out of crises from stage 5/4 .Characteristic symptoms will be given by patient, which can lead to cure.
Cancer Care In Homeopathy Can Be Classified In 5 Stages.
Cancer Colon Operated. Had complaints of Excessive bloating of stomach with gas, Unsatisfactory stools, sometime Bleeding in stool.
Appetite very less, every food caused gas in in the stomach.
weakness, lethargyness, no fresh feeling in morning, Avoided lots of work due to the complaint.
Homoeopathy helped him to prevent side effects of Chemotherapy. His recovery is boosted more than 40 %
- Case of cancer Esophagus
- Diagnosed recently
- Difficulty in eating solid food, no complaints with liquid food
- Not on any chemo and radiotherapy
- results were seen better by 20-30% in 15 days.
- This video is about Makani case of cancer. Her tumor markers have become normal by homoeopathic treatment All reports after treatment became normal.
- weight gain, appetite better, feels happy than before.
Case of stomach Cancer she was not able to tolerate Chemotherapy . After 3 weeks of treatment her general condition has improved more than 80 %. She has got her confidence back
This video is about Anil Kumar Cancer Oesophagus who has been benefited by homeopathic treatment.