Pediatric Care in Homoeopathy
Pediatric Care:
- No Harsh effects of medicines on children.
- Can be given to child of One day old to elder Children.
- Can be taken before, during and After Pregnancy with no side effects.
- Medicines acts as Preventive as well as Curative Basis.
- Our medicines act as Immune Modulators so multiple other medicines need not be given.
- Acts best in acute conditions from simple tooth pain, stomach ache, earache, to recurrent allergies.
- Any dose is not overdose of medicines
- Easy to dispense to children, not messy as like other Syrups.
- No bitterness but Better treatment.
- Once a child understands it he, she can take medicines by himself.
- Medicines have long expiry so can be kept for a brief period of time.
- Overall treatment of child considering his behavior and Psyche is done thus having a Holistic approach to treatment.
Precautionary medicines are taken by mother as to immune Modulate themselves and their fetus, to avoid harboring any Diseases during their term.
These medicines are not passed onto the child from mother’s milk so no side effects even if mothers are on our treatment.