Teething in Infants

Teething in Infants…


Teething (Dentition) begins before a child’s first tooth breaks through the gums. It is a natural process but causes sore gums. Teething lasts from six months to three years. Your baby is teething when his or her first set of teeth, called primary teeth, break through the gums.

What are the symptoms?

Many babies do not experience any problems or pain. When symptoms do occur, they generally last for several days before and a few days after the tooth comes through the gums.

Some babies are fussier than usual when they are teething. This may be because of soreness and swelling in the gums before a tooth comes through. These symptoms usually begin about 3 to 5 days before the tooth shows, and they disappear as soon as the tooth breaks the skin. Many babies don’t seem to be affected by teething.

Symptoms include:

  • Drooling
  • Loose motions (Diahorrea)
  • Wanting to chew on fingers or hard materials
  • Rubbing the gums or ears
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • Increased sucking
  • Reduced interest in solid foods
  • Slight rise in body temperature
  • Swollen gums
  • Sensitive gums
  • Rash on face, resulting from drooling

If the baby is feverish and acts sick or very upset, seek medical care. Something else may be causing the symptoms.

Teething babies usually like to chew on a wet washcloth or teething ring.  Make sure anything given to your baby is clean and too big to swallow.

Homoeopathy medicines..

Homoeopathy has very good medicine for babies during dentition period.

The most common complaint parents come with is loose motions (due to swelled and irritable gums and babies putting anything  and everything in  mouth) and irritation.


Some of the remedies which can be safely used here according to some symptoms are:

  1. Calcarea Carb : Difficult and delayed dentition in babies  who are flabby and fair. There is profuse sweat on head and palms and soles are cold to touch.
  2. Chamomilla : Babies very irritable, fretful, angry and are  quiet only when carried. The baby is generally restless, over sensitive to pain and has diarrheoa. During dentition stools are green and very offensive.
  3. Podophylleum : Diarrhoea – stools are watery green, undigested and gushing out  for difficult dentition and presses gums together.
  4. Sulphur: Children restless, hot body when touched, kick clothes at night  who don’t  like to bath, anus is red and sore.
  5. The other drugs that can be thought of in difficult dentition are nux vomica, silicea, arsenic, Borax, Aconite, kreaosote etc