Kidney Stones – Renal Calculi


Kidney Stones (Renal Calculi)


One in every 20 people develop a kidney stone at some point in their life. Kidney stones, known medically as renal calculi, form within the kidney itself or in other parts of the urinary tract.

The kidneys filter the blood and remove the extra waste and water as urine. Many waste chemicals are in the urine. They can sometimes form crystals that clump together to make stones.

Kidney stones are hard rock-like crystals of varying sizes and shapes. They can vary in size from as small as a grain of sand, up to as big as a golf ball.

Common symptoms include:

  • Pain in your side and back, below your ribs
  • Episodes of pain lasting 20 to 60 minutes, of varying intensity
  • Pain “waves” radiating from your side and back, to your lower abdomen and groin
  • Bloody, cloudy or foul-smelling urine
  • Pain with urination
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • “Urgency” (persistent urge to urinate)
  • Fever and chills (indicates an infection is also present)

The pain is a result of distention of the tissues above the stone, since it is blocking the passage of urine, rather than from the pressure of the stone itself.

It’s not usually associated with the size of the kidney stone – sometimes small stones can cause more pain than very large ones.

Causes of kidney stones

Men are more likely to get kidney stones than women. About half of people who have had a kidney stone go on to get more within 10 years.

In most people, there is no obvious reason for what causes kidney stones, although you may be more likely to get them if you:

  • don’t drink enough fluids
  • have a family history of kidney stones
  • are aged between 30 and 50
  • are taking too many vitamin C or calcium/vitamin D supplements, or antacids
  • have a condition affecting the shape or structure of your kidney
  • have a lot of salt or protein in your diet
  • have certain conditions, such as hyperparathyroidism, high blood pressure or Crohn’s disease
  • have cystitis – the bacteria that cause this infection can break down the a substance found in urine called urea, which can lead to kidney stones


In summary, a few lifestyle modifications will go a long way toward preventing a painful kidney stone attack:

  • As discussed previously, stay well hydrated
  • Eat a diet based on your body’s unique nutritional type.
  • Avoid taking prescription drugs that harm more than they heal
  • Avoid sugar, soy, caffeine, excess salt, and processed foods
  • Get plenty of exercise to keep your body’s fluids moving
  • Make sure you’re getting adequate magnesium and vitamin B6 in your diet,which have both been suggested to help prevent kidney stone formation.

Homoeopathy remedies:

  • Cannabis Sativa : Urine infection due to obstruction with high fever and  stitching pains all over body. Urination in split stream, It scalds with spasmodic closure of spincture
  • Lycopodium: For right side renal calculi. Pain in back better after urinating. Children  cry before urinating
  • Sarsaparilla: For dark haired ,emaciated people. Severe, unbearable pain at start of urination. Passage  of gravel or small calculi, bloody urine. Painful distention and tenderness in bladder. Urine Dribbles while sitting
  • Berberis Vulgaris: Pain tearing, burning with soreness in kidney region. Violent sticking pain in bladder, Extending from kidney to urethra with urge to urinate. Urine red, dark yellow, turbid, jelly like with bran like sediments

Other constitutional drugs to be considered where there is tendency for recurrent kidney stones are Cal Carb, Thuja, Silicea, Zincum Metallicum , Sulphur, Nux Vomica.

Lifestyle changes always take some effort and might seem inconvenient at first. But compared to the painful process of passing a kidney stone, a few lifestyle changes are a cinch!